The way advertisers are communicating and reaching out to costomer has been on a constant drift. From the tuk tuk's carring loud speakers and posters for the movies in the theaters around, now its the time of internet and digital technologies. The cluttered advertising space has been annoying consumers since decades for now, but now has taken new heights specialy when it comes to teli-calling and SMS promotions. The advertisors constatly innovate new ways to reach consumers. But research revels that due to so muny brands(Products) and the advertisng space has totally turned into a clutter the challenge in recent times. This mandates that, sooner than later, advertisers will have to seek out ways by which consumers' themselves are driven towards the communication provided by the marketer (Pull Marketing), rather than forcing on it to the so called target audience (Push Marketing).
In such a scenario, corporate website, product specific websites or micro websites and landing pages become the most important element to provide information. Also, the social network sites which is doing wonders, in terms of growing number of active users can be ignored at all. Earlier, the fight was to spread good word of mouth, but now it is to fight back the bad word of mouth. Definitely, this can only be done by bridging the gap in between what marketers' communicate and what they deliver. It's not uncommon to find consumers or even people in general complaining about product and services which they found unapt or feel it that way, albeit they have never used it.
For example, just yesterday one of my friend's Face Book status bar read "f**k Tiger Airlines, its HORRIBLE", Tiger Airlines is a Singapore based low cast career. Almost 40 people responded to her status bar with all sorts of comment, within next couple of hours. Now even I have a bad perception of it, though I have never known it earlier, and may never travel if I had to in future. Next day, her updates showed she had joined a community "We Hate Tiger Airlines", having hundreds of Facebook users, who share the same opinion. This is just a small instance, and we all know its every where. Be it review sites, blogs or community the negative viral spreads much more than positive...
The answer is making consumers happy come what may, not to over commit, communicate with consumers rationally and unquestionably be better than the competition!
In such a scenario, corporate website, product specific websites or micro websites and landing pages become the most important element to provide information. Also, the social network sites which is doing wonders, in terms of growing number of active users can be ignored at all. Earlier, the fight was to spread good word of mouth, but now it is to fight back the bad word of mouth. Definitely, this can only be done by bridging the gap in between what marketers' communicate and what they deliver. It's not uncommon to find consumers or even people in general complaining about product and services which they found unapt or feel it that way, albeit they have never used it.
For example, just yesterday one of my friend's Face Book status bar read "f**k Tiger Airlines, its HORRIBLE", Tiger Airlines is a Singapore based low cast career. Almost 40 people responded to her status bar with all sorts of comment, within next couple of hours. Now even I have a bad perception of it, though I have never known it earlier, and may never travel if I had to in future. Next day, her updates showed she had joined a community "We Hate Tiger Airlines", having hundreds of Facebook users, who share the same opinion. This is just a small instance, and we all know its every where. Be it review sites, blogs or community the negative viral spreads much more than positive...
The answer is making consumers happy come what may, not to over commit, communicate with consumers rationally and unquestionably be better than the competition!